Frequently Asked Questions About Beck Depression Inventory

Parenting is never an easy task. Becoming a parent entails a great deal of obligation and duty, and becoming a great parent entails even more. Many expecting couples, especially first-time parents, undergo parent counseling to gain more insight into parenting life. It is within their best interest to provide only the best things for their kids.

For parents, raising their children in a loving and supportive environment is very important. That is why parents always have a say and deal with most things about their children’s lives. From newborn formula to clothes to friends to education, the parental role in decision-making is always present. Parents want to ensure they meet their children’s needs and get to look after them.

Parenting Expectations And Reality

If you are a new parent, you will think that giving everything to your child is the necessary way to handle parenting. However, you should understand that parenting differs from one household to another. Your means and methods may be working for you. But it does not guarantee to work on other families since they require different approaches. In parenting, you need to understand that your strategies only apply to different situations.

It is also noteworthy to accept that not because you researched parenting and figured out most methods are easy, but it does not mean that it is applicable. There are things you may know, but it will never mean that you will instantly know what to do. Preparing yourself for child situations like tantrums, rebellions, demands, etc., are not something you research and grab answers from the internet. It will require tons of experience and unfortunate circumstances to get to the solution you need. There are just some things about parenthood that do not have the right answers.

Parenting is difficult, and if you think you can easily transition into motherhood, you are wrong. It will take time before you can finally grasp the idea of parenthood. Not because you are in that moment and things are spot on, you will easily deal with a lot of struggles and challenges. It does not go that way because you will not know what to do unless you have tried working on the different strategies of parenting. You cannot transition into a parent not unless you understand and learn things about yourself.

Also, if you think that becoming a parent won’t change a thing in your relationship, you might have to think twice. Most of the time, the stress and parental burden can ruin a relationship more than you can ever imagine. Your relationship with other people (friends and family) is at stake as you learn to prioritize your child over the ones you once thought were your priorities. Your marriage can also suffer as you set it aside to give way and spend more time taking care of your child. You will eventually lose your connection to the people around you as you focus your way to pouring all your time and effort into your kid.

Put in mind that parenting can be very demanding, and your idea of giving everything to your child and always putting his needs first is not something you can accomplish. Ensuring your kid’s needs is the number one goal. However, you will never cater to that all the time because there are factors in your life that would require better decision-making. And if you think that once the child gets older, things will get better, prepare yourself for the disappointments. The amount of time you spend with your child may lessen, but the responsibilities you need to do extends bigger. New challenges as a parent will arise, and most of them can have a toll on your mental and emotional health.



If you have been to a baby shower or the first birthday of a couple’s child, you will always hear the parents wish their son or daughter grows up to be a healthy child. Health is wealth, after all. However, there are instances in life when the unexpected happens. No matter how hard parents try to provide the best for their family, things can go wrong.

Mishaps can happen. Every family goes through troubles and difficulties, especially with kids. Slacking in school, getting into fights, being physically sick—these are all normal in growing children. What’s not normal is your children consistently missing school and long periods of low mood or irritability. As parents, you must always ask your children if there is an underlying problem.

Unfortunately, the mental well-being of a child is often unaccounted for in many households. When a family faces a crisis, it takes a toll on both the parents and the children’s psychological health. Psychologists have developed a Beck Depression Inventory, one of the most common self-assessment methods that measure the severity of an individual’s depressive symptoms. 

Who can use the Beck Depression Inventory?

Short types of Beck Depression Inventories have been created to screen major depressive disorders found in non-psychiatric clinical groups and children and adolescents. The BDI is not an instrument that can be used to diagnose depression, but instead, it can be utilized to assess the severity or intensity of one’s depressive symptoms.

What does the Beck Depression Inventory measure?

The BDI is a self-rated scale that contains 21 items used for evaluating key indications of depression, including pessimism, self-dissatisfaction, mood, a sense of failure, guilt, self-dislike, suicidal ideations, punishment, social withdrawal, body image modifications, crying, and indecisiveness.

Is the Beck Depression Inventory reliable?

One of the studies done on the BDI showed that it is a reliable, effective, and the culturally significant instrument used for calculating depression symptoms in FCCCD. It is a structure that has two factors containing cognitive and somatic-affective factors.

What is the difference between BDI and BDI II?

The conventional BDI was rooted in patient descriptions and clinical interpretations. On the other hand, the BDI II comprises items that reveal affective, vegetative, somatic, and cognitive symptoms of depression.

How much does the Beck Depression Inventory cost?

These are the quantities that compose the Beck Depression Inventory-II and their corresponding prices.

  • 5-49: $3.05
  • 5-99: $2.95
  • 100-249: $2.90
  • 250+: $2.80 

How do I reference the Beck Depression Inventory?

The values for the items in the inventory are summed to a total rate for all the 21 symptoms that could range from 0 to 63 points. A 0 to 7 is reflected as minimal anxiety; 8 to 15 as mild; 16 to 25 moderate; and 26 to 63, severe.

Is the Beck Anxiety Inventory free?

There is available free access to the score form and the assessment. However, it is a self-reported gauge. The Beck Depression Inventory and the Beck Anxiety Inventory are typically utilized self-report questionnaires to identify the presence of depression and anxiety.

How many questions are on the Beck Depression Inventory?

All three Beck Depression Inventories done by Aaron T. Beck contain 21 questions that are multiple-choice and self-report inventories. They are among the most popularly utilized psychometric examinations used for assessing a person’s level of depression.

How is the BDI score calculated? 

The BDI II is calculated by adding the ratings for all 21 items. Each of these items is scored using a 4-point scale that ranges from 0 through 3. The highest score is 63. Attention must be given to the proper scoring of the ‘sleep pattern changes’ and ‘appetite changes’ items. 

How do you score and interpret the BDI II?  

Scoring instructions for BDI II are given with the suggestion that limits be altered based on the features of the sample and the purpose of the BDI II. The total grade of 0 to 13 is considered minimal, 14 to 19 mild, 20 to 28 is moderate, and finally, 29 to 63 severe.


What is the PHQ 9 Depression Scale?

The PHQ depression scale, commonly called PHQ-9, is 50% the length of other depression scales. It has similar sensitivities and specificities, and it contains nine criteria by which the diagnosis of DSM-IV depression is based.

How do you interpret a PHQ 9?

PHQ-9 total rate for all 9 points ranges between 0 and 27. In this case, the PHQ-9 depression score is 16 (3 items rated 1, 2 items rated 2, and 3 items rated 3). Scores 5, 10, 15, and 20 signify mild, moderate, moderately severe, and finally, severe depression consecutively.

How do you interpret a GAD 7 score?

A 10 or above on the GAD-7 signifies a valid cut point for determining cases of GAD. Cut points 5, 10, and 15 may be translated as showing mild, moderate, and severe intensities of anxiety on the GAD-7, the same as the intensities of depression on PHQ-9.

When should the PHQ 9 Be Used?

PHQ 2 and 9 are to be utilized with persons 12 years old and above. Other screening instruments have been created and authorized for special populations, including older and young adults.

In Conclusion

Depression is a leading mental disorder affecting millions of people around the globe. While it is most common for those aged 18 and above, observing it in a person’s formative years is not uncommon.

Children between the ages of 7 and 17 are also susceptible to depression, often undiagnosed. Depression presents itself differently to everyone, even in kids. They may appear a happy-go-lucky child but may suddenly exhibit social withdrawal mistaken as shyness. Or they may be staying up late written off as a bad sleeping habit.


Other signs of depression in children include engaging in self-destructive or reckless behaviors, eating changes, and persistent feelings of sadness or worthlessness. Having a mental illness can interfere with the growth and development of a child. As parents, they should be provided professional help at the first signs and symptoms of depression.

With the Beck Depression Inventory help, anyone, even children, can now get the support they need for their psychological well-being. BDI is a widely used method of evaluating an individual’s depressive symptoms. It consists of 21 questions answerable by a rating scale. It is a self-assessment. BDI can be completed by children entirely independently or with minimal help from a clinical psychologist if needed.

Getting a mental diagnosis at an early age can both be terrifying for the child and the parents. But it is crucial to do so, so your child can undergo treatment as soon as possible. Remember, as parents, you have to show unconditional love and support to your children. They will need you the most when they are diagnosed with depression.